Increase in prices for basic products is forecasted in Ukraine

Дата публікації: 28-09-2017 - 11:29
Experts predict an increase in the price of bread to 20% in March 2019 in several stages.
This is reported by
According to it, the price of milk and meat is also expected to increase by 10-20% until December 20.
Among the reasons for the rise in price of meat products are cases of African swine fever, tax and price policy.
In addition, the price of vegetables for borscht harvest is predicted to increase by 1.6-1.8 times, or by 160-180% in October, compared to the same period of the previous year, in particular, the rise in prices for potatoes, onions, carrots, beets and cabbage potatoes and cabbage is estimated at 240%.
The increase in prices was affected by a decrease in the production of the corresponding crops.
Reference: potato production fell by 30%, onions by 35%, beets by 25%, cabbages by 40-45%.
As was reported by, according to the director of the public organization "Economic Discussion Club" Oleh Pendzyn, we should expect that the cost of mushrooms in Ukraine will grow after the rise in price of meat, but in such a way that mushrooms remain cheaper than meat products.

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