Viktor Sheremeta is appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Agribusiness

Дата публікації: 05-10-2017 - 12:56

Viktor Sheremeta is appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Agribusiness

The government decided on a candidate for the post of Deputy Minister of Agriculture for the development of farms.
This position is given to Viktor Sheremeta. This is reported by Ukrinform with reference to Prime Minister Volodymyr Hroisman.
The head of the Cabinet noted that next year will be given much attention to the development of farming. In the state budget for this 1 billion UAH is included.
Reference: Victor Sheremeta comes from the Polissia district of the Kiev region. He received an education in the specialty of "Zootechnics" in the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy. He is an owner of the farm "Herkules".

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