Tariff quotas for imports by EU countries on a number of Ukrainian agrarian and food products for 2018 are filled

Submitted by bashun on Thu, 09/27/2018 - 17:32

As of September 21, Ukrainian exporters used the volume of tariff quotas for 100% for duty-free exports to the EU markets for a number of Ukrainian goods. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on issues of European integration Olha Trofimtseva, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported.

"The best confirmation of the fact that the FTA agreement between Ukraine and the EU works is the constant increase in the volumes of domestic agrarian and food exports to the markets of the EU countries. Traditionally, Ukrainian exporters filled the tariff quotas for Ukrainian honey, malt and wheat gluten, processed tomatoes, grape and apple juice, wheat, corn and butter by 100%," says the deputy minister.

According to her, additional trade preferences are also used, which were received in 2017, for corn, soft wheat, honey and processed tomatoes.

"Volumes of tariff quotas for Ukrainian starch are filled by more than 85% and processed starch – by 99.4%, poultry meat - by 75%, eggs and albumins – by 53.7%, garlic – by 61.2%," adds Olha Trofimtseva.

According to her, while the EU's import tariff quotas for sugar syrups remain unused in full volume - 2000 tons, mushrooms - 500 tons, processed oil products - 250 tons and others. Olha Trofimtseva also noted that some tariff quotas remain unused for objective reasons, as, for example, in case of mutton or beef, for export of which Ukraine is still waiting for the opening of the EU market for domestic producers.


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