How much can cost a hectare of Ukrainian land after the cancellation of the moratorium on sale?

Submitted by bashun on Thu, 12/07/2017 - 11:08

The price of one hectare of agricultural land in Ukraine in the case of cancellation of the moratorium on its sale may amount to 50-60 thousand UAH.

This was stated by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Maksym Martyniuk.
The shadow market of the earth will exist, while the moratorium on its sale will operate. If the market started, the price per hectare would vary from 50 to 60 thousand UAH, - Maxim Martyniuk is convinced.

According to him, the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land will remain in force until the law on the turnover of agricultural land is voted.

"But the epic that we see today with the extension of the moratorium is nothing more than PR in order to please people and say that they were protected," adds Prime Minister Volodymyr Hroisman.

He specified that he opposed the sale of land to agroholdings and foreigners.

"It is possible to allow the turnover of land between Ukrainian farmers - individuals - in the amounts necessary to create an agricultural enterprise," the prime minister said.

Maksym Martyniuk added that 70% of all land plots were included in the land cadastre, and the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre fully provides the process of transferring the land plots to rent.


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